gas - The particles are far apart and moving fast., boiling - When a liquid changes to a gas fast for a cup of tea!, melting - Ice thawing is an example., particles - The 'bits' of solids, liquids and gases., hard - One way in which solids are different than gases or liquids. Its an easy question really, its not ?, vibrating - The particles of a solid are under going this without causing a sound! and more so on heating!, solid - The particles are closest together in this state., compress - Very difficult to do with a solid, not much spare space!, liquid - The particles are close together but they can still move around quite freely in this state., diffusion - The spreading out of particles from high concentration to low concentration, pressure - This is caused by gas particles hitting the side of a container millions of times a second!, condensing - This is happening to a gas when it is cooled to form a liquid., freezing - When you put water in a cold place this happens, sublimation - This is when a solid turns straight into a gas,




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