1) In-house training ought to be given by the company's own staff members. a) permission b) recommendation c) prohibition d) obligation 2) Our department may be moved to another building in the next six months. a) ability b) necessity c) prohibition d) possibility 3) All desks in the office have to be cleared at the end of each working day. a) obligaition b) permission c) recommendation d) possibility 4) More time to complete your project would be considered if you asked for it. a) permission b) possibility c) prohibition d) obligation 5) The extra costs need to be considered before we make any changes. a) recommendation b) possibility c) prohibition d) necessity 6) Your final report must be submitted by next Friday. a) recommendation b) possibility c) obligation d) ability

BP - B2 - Unit 2 Training and development - Modals in the passsive/2


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