1) Summer school holidays are much too long.  a) Well, I can’t argue with that. They're very difficult for working parents like us.  b) Do you think so? They're very difficult for working parents like us. 2) Children in New Zealand should get more homework. a) That’s a good point. Kids need a break from studying. b) Oh, I wouldn’t say that! Kids need a break from studying. 3) Holidays are always better overseas.  a) I don’t know about that. I reckon there’s plenty to see in New Zealand. b) I suppose that’s true, actually. I reckon there’s plenty to see in New Zealand. 4) Commuting by bus is more relaxing than driving. You can just chill out and play on your phone and avoid the traffic. a) Well, I’m still not convinced. I hate driving in rush hour. b) That’s a good point. I hate driving in rush hour. 5) It's better for kids to read books than watch TV. It helps them concentrate for longer. a) I suppose that’s true, actually. They have to use their imagination more, too. b) I don’t know about that. They have to use their imagination more, too. 6) My parents always made me eat everything on my plate. a) I don’t really see the point of that. What if you were not hungry? b) Well, I can’t argue with that. What if you were not hungry? 7) I don’t eat red meat any more because it’s bad for you. a) I see your point. I’d need to see the evidence b) Well, I’m still not convinced. I’d need to see the evidence. 8) If you let your teenager get an afterschool job, it teaches them the value of money and makes them independent. a) I see your point, as long as their schoolwork doesn’t suffer. b) Oh, I wouldn’t say that, as long as their schoolwork doesn’t suffer. 9) Experts say that teenagers need at least ten hours sleep a night a) Oh, I wouldn’t say that. Alex is always so bad tempered the next day if he stays up too late. b) I know what you mean. Alex is always so bad tempered the next day if he stays up too late. 10) I think there is way too much pressure on young people nowadays. a) You might be right there. Looking back, we did have it easier, didn’t we? b) Well, I’m still not convinced. Looking back, we did have it easier, didn’t we? 11) That film was rubbish. So boring! a) That’s a good point. I thought it was rather good. b) Oh, do you think so? I thought it was rather good. 12) Female footballers should be paid as much as male footballers – just look at the audience views for the world cup! a) I see what you mean. It’s only fair, isn’t it? b) Oh, I wouldn’t say that. It’s only fair, isn’t it? 13) The main reason people don’t buy organic food is that it’s so expensive. a) Oh, do you think so? And there are no proven health benefits, either. b) You’ve got a point there. And there are no proven health benefits, either.

Opinions: Choose the best answer to agree or disagree


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