bizarre - very strange, primary rainforest - undisturbed forest in a tropical area that receives a lot of rain, bud - a small part of a plant, that develops into a flower or leaf, stem - a central part of something from which other parts can develop or grow, be in bloom - to be producing flowers, thriving - growing, developing, or being successful, biodiversity - the number and types of plants and animals that exist in a particular area or in the world generally, threatened - in danger, or likely to stop existing, endangered - animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive, To make matters worse, - Что еще хуже, charge a fee - to ask an amount of money for something, especially a service or activity, I am eager to - having or showing desire or interest, I have a penchant for - a liking for or a habit of doing smth, esp. something that other people might not like. Ives had a penchant for musical experimentation.,

diversify your vocab =))


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