Giraffe - My neck is very long. I eat leaves from trees. , Rabbit - I have long ears. I hop very fast., Horse - I can jump and I can run. I live on a farm., Shark - I can swim. I live in the ocean., Bird - I have wings and I can fly in the air. I sing., Crocodile - I am green and I have no legs., Zebra - I am white and black. I live in Africa., Spider - I am small, black and scary. I have 8 legs., Elephant - I have big ears and a long tail. I am a big animal., Frog - I can jump and swim. I have a cold skin., Monkey - I live in Africa. I can climb the tree. I look like human., Bear - I am big and brown. I am strong. I sleep in the winter., Lion - I am the king of the animals. I have sharp theeth. I like eating meat., Rhinoceros - I am big and gray. I have a large horn on my nose., Wolf - I look like a big dog. I live in the wild. I howl at night. , Tiger - I am the largest wild cat. I am orange and black. I like to roar.,

1st graders - Animals


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