polio - a viral disease that causes the failure of the muscles and paralysis , smallpox - contagious disease that leaves scars on the skin. Was largely eradicated (wiped out) by vaccinations, antibiotics - a medication that has the capacity to treat viral and bacterial infections , Sputnik - the name of the world's first Earth orbiting satellite from the former Soviet Union (USSR), Tommy Douglas - a Socialist and provincial leader in Canada, who introduced Medicare (a free health care system) in Canada, social security - a welfare system that provides payments to the most financially disadvantaged people in a society, dog-eat-dog survival - survival of the fittest (with no safety net for disadvantaged people), set the world on fire - change the world in a spectacular way , scientific illiteracy - lack of knowledge about science , I did it as a lark (dated slang) - I did it for fun , gibberish, babble - nonsensical, meaningless chatter , big pharma - the large drug companies that make pharmaceutical medications, super tanker - large commercial ships with a huge storage capacity , BC - the abbreviation of the Canadian province of British Columbia, caribou - a North American mammal closely related to deer, back on the agenda - a problem or issue from the past that has returned to become an important issue in the present, biosphere - the earths atmosphere, land and waters that supports life , failed to shift the paradigm - failed to change the way a problem is viewed, Monsanto - a multinational chemical corporation with a long history of scandals, governments are being driven by a corporate agenda - governments are being controlled by the aims and objectives of corporations , climate sceptics - the people who try to convince the public that climate change is not real , hired guns of the fossil fuel industry - people who paid by the fossil fuel industry to promote and defend the fossil fuel industry, carbon tax - a tax levied on companies to encourage the reduction of green house gas emissions , the slammer (slang) - jail, prison , willful blindness - failure to see the facts/the truth ,
Unit 8 Listening Skills Vocabulary
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