Let's ______ for coffee this weekend and catch up. - get together, The teacher will ______ the worksheets at the beginning of the class. - hand out, Don't forget to ______ any important points during the meeting. - jot down, _I keep procrastinating, I need ______ watching TV and finish my assignments first. - put off, Before the interview, I made sure to ______ the company's background. - read up on, During the meeting, we'll ______the quarterly sales figures to analyze our performance - run over, Can you ______ the main points of the presentation for those who missed it? - sum up, It's rude to ______ someone while they're speaking; let them finish first. - talk over, As the meeting comes to an end, let's ______ by discussing the next steps. - wrap up,

DISCUSSION 50 - Business Meetings 2


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