Entrepreneur - 1. Entrepreneur: A person who starts and operates a business, taking on financial risks in the hope of making a profit., Startup - 2. Startup: A newly established business, typically small in size, with the goal of developing a unique product or service., Misperception - 3. Misperception: A mistaken belief or understanding about something., Insight - 4. Insight: A deep understanding or realization of a particular situation or problem., Recession - 5. Recession: A period of economic decline characterized by a decrease in economic activity., objection - 6. Objection: A reason or argument presented in opposition to a proposal or idea., traction - 7. Traction: The rate at which a business or idea gains momentum or acceptance in the market., disapproval - 8. Disapproval: The act of expressing a negative opinion or judgment about something., executor - 9. Executor: A person appointed to carry out the instructions in a will or to manage the affairs of a deceased person., Perception - 10. Perception: The way in which something is understood or interpreted by an individual., adaptation - 11. Adaptation: The process of adjusting to new conditions or changes in order to survive or thrive.,



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