Emissions - The release of gas or particles into the atmosphere, often associated with human activities like burning fossil fuels., Heatwaves - Extended periods of excessively hot weather, typically accompanied by high humidity., Wildfires - Uncontrolled fires in forests or other wild areas, often exacerbated by dry conditions and high temperatures., Blackouts - The sudden loss of electrical power to an area., Heatstroke - A condition caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, resulting in the body's inability to regulate its temperature., Dehydration - A state where the body lacks sufficient fluids to function properly., Droughts - Extended periods of abnormally low rainfall, leading to water shortages and environmental damage., Premature births - Births that occur before 37 weeks of pregnancy, often associated with health risks for the baby., Underweight births - Births where the baby has a lower-than-average birth weight, often associated with health issues and developmental challenges., Sea level rise - The increase in the average level of the Earth's oceans, primarily due to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers., Thermal expansion - The increase in volume of a substance when its temperature increases., Resettled - Moved or relocated to a new place, often due to environmental or social reasons., Sea walls - Structures built along coastlines to protect against erosion and flooding caused by rising sea levels and storm surges., Extinct - No longer in existence, particularly referring to species that have died out completely., Reefs - Underwater structures made of coral or other organisms, often found in tropical waters and home to diverse marine life., Renewable energy - Energy derived from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water., Fossil fuel production - The extraction and processing of coal, oil, and natural gas from the Earth for energy purposes., Electric transportation - Vehicles powered by electricity, including electric cars, buses, and trains., Collective action - Joint efforts by individuals, communities, or governments to address common challenges or achieve shared goals., Power grid - A network of infrastructure that distributes electricity from power plants to consumers, ensuring a reliable supply of electricity.,

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