1) I don’t add —-cheese to pasta. I don’t think it’s tasty. a) a b) some c) any 2) I would like to drink—-lemonade. a) some b) any c) a 3) Do you have ——lemonade in your fridge? a) some b) any c) a 4) Anna always have—-apples and bananas in the fridge. a) any b) some c) a 5) Anna doesn’t have —-meat a) any b) some c) a 6) Do you have—-potato? We need one for vegetable salad. a) some b) any c) a 7) Are there —-eggs in the fridge? I want to make en omelette? a) any b) some c) a 8) Let’s buy—-chocolate? I want to eat something sweet! a) any b) some c) a

Food some any elementary


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