As team leader, Sarah is ____ for delegating tasks and ensuring they are completed on time. When organizing events, it's essential to have a ____ team member who can be counted on to follow through with their commitments. When exploring unfamiliar terrain, it's important to be ____ and watchful of potential dangers. During conflicts, it's helpful to have a ____ who can mediate and find peaceful resolutions. The children enjoyed playing games with their ____ aunt during the family gathering. The comedian's jokes were so ____ that the audience couldn't stop laughing. The hostess's warm hospitality and ____ smile welcomed guests to the party. Fill in the blank with the correct word. Sentence: The teenager's desire for freedom and insistence on making their own decisions reflected their ____ personality. The child's thoughtful responses and responsible behavior demonstrated a surprisingly ____ attitude for their age The traveler's tales of exploring remote destinations and trying new experiences revealed an ____ spirit During the group project, everyone contributed ideas except for Tom, who felt ____ In a new school, it may take some time for students to feel comfortable and ____ with their classmates.

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