1) What year was Muhammad Ali born? a) 1941 b) 1942 c) 1943 d) 1944 2) Muhammad Ali moved to Miami to train with...? a) Henry Cooper b) Angelo Dundee c) Cassius Clay d) Malcom X 3) What was Muhammad Ali birth name? a) Muhammad b) Joe c) Angelo d) Cassius Clay Jr. 4) Why did he start boxing? a) He wanted to learn to protect himself b) To pay for a bycicle c) His father was a famous boxer and trained him 5) What happened in 1960? a) He won a gold medal at the Olympic games b) Muhammad went to Rome c) He got married 6) Ali became heavyweight champion in ...? a) 1964 b) 1968 c) 1970 7) How old was Muhammad Ali when he became heavyweight champion? a) 18 b) 22 c) 24 d) 28 8) Ali's boxing style was called ...? a) Ali shuffle b) Ali dance c) Ali punch 9) What was his famous quote about his boxing style? a) Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee b) Move like a cat c) Bark like a dog

Muhammad Ali



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