1) Every Tuesday, I like ______________ with my friends. a) to watch a DVD b) to write an email c) to paint a picture d) to go swimming 2) At the weekends, I often ______________ house. a) go camping b) write stories c) visit my grandma d) go to the park 3) I use a ______________ to keep warm at night. a) a plate b) a plum c) a flower d) a blanket 4) After school, I need ______________ before I can play. a) to do my homework b) to go swimming c) to have a music lesson d) to listen to music 5) My favorite fruit is ______________. a) a blanket b) a plate c) a flower d) a plum 6) I love ______________ in the park on sunny days. a) to write an email b) to do sports c) to paint a picture d) to watch TV 7) She enjoys ______________ after dinner. a) watching a DVD b) writing stories c) going camping d) playing with friends 8) I help my mum ______________. a) paint a picture b) to go swimming c) to watch TV d) go to the park 9) On my birthday, I received ______________. a) flowers b) plums c) plates d) blankets 10) My sister likes ______________ before bed. a) to watch a DVD b) to listen to music c) to play with friends d) to write an email 11) He enjoys ______________ at the weekends. a) visiting my grandma b) doing sports c) having a music lesson d) writing stories 12) The sky is ______________ today. a) blue b) yellow c) black d) grey 13) We plan ______________ during the summer holidays. a) to write an email b) to go camping c) to play with friends d) to watch TV 14) She ______________ every Tuesday. a) does sports b) has a music lesson c) goes to the park d) visits my grandma 15) He likes ______________ in his free time. a) to listen to music b) to paint pictures c) to do my homework d) to write stories 16) I always ______________ after lunch. a) go swimming b) do sports c) watch TV d) play with friends 17) She uses ______________ for eating her food. a) a plate b) a plum c) a flower d) a blanket 18) On rainy days, we prefer ______________ at home. a) to go to the park b) to write stories c) to watch TV d) to do my homework 19) He writes ______________ to his friends. a) a picture b) an email c) a music lesson d) swimming 20) My favourite hobby is ______________. a) to go swimming b) to listen to music c) to write stories d) to do my homework

FF2 Unit 6 - vocabulary quiz


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