He played soccer yesterday. - He plays soccer every day.  , They win the championship every year. - They won the championship last year. , She scored goals last week. - She scores goals frequently. , We watch the match every night. - We watched the match last night. , The coach gave advice to the players. - The coach gives advice to the players. , I trained hard for the tournament. - I train hard for the tournament. , The team celebrated after each win. - The team celebrates after each win. , He attends the practice session every day. - He attended the practice session yesterday. , She traveled with the team las year. - She travels with the team often. , They have a meeting after the game. - They had a meeting after the game. , The player broke records in the past. - The player breaks records regularly. , We visited the stadium last weekend. - We visit the stadium every weekend. , The manager spoke to the media after the match. - The manager speaks to the media after the match. , I felt excited before every game. - I feel excited before every game.,

EF - U3 S2 - GRAMMAR 2


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