1) How many mugs are there? a) There is three mugs. b) There are three mug. c) There are three mugs. 2) How many cats are there? a) There is four cats. b) There are four cats. c) There is some cats. 3) What's there? There ____ some juice. a) am b) are c) is 4) What do you like to do? I _____ run. a) like to b) likes to c) like 5) What does it like to do? It____ climb. a) like to b) likes to c) like 6) _______ do you live? I live in a hut. a) What b) Where c) who 7) Where do you live? I _____ a car. a) lives in b) live in c) live under 8) ____ is the girl? The girl is sad. a) What b) Where c) How 9) What does she like to do? She ______ sing. a) like b) like to c) likes to 10) ____ buns are yum! a) You b) We c) Your 11) ____ like pink buds. a) They b) It c) Their 12) How many tubs are there? a) There is a tub. b) There is an tub. c) There are a tub. 13) ____ live in a hut. a) Cathy b) Eric and Tim c) It 14) ____ pig is small. a) He b) Bens' c) His

OPW2 U7-8 review sentences and grammar


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