1) What's the name of the actress that played the Hannah Montana role? a) Selena Gomez b) Miley Cyrus c) Demi Lovato 2) Who incovers first the identity of Milley Cyrus? a) Oliver b) Lilly 3) which one of these songs haven't been sung by Hannah Montana ? a) Start the party b) I got nerve c) Let's do this 4) What's the name of Milley's cousin that looks exactly like her? a) Tracy b) Andrea c) Luann 5) what food Milley admits not liking on the Mack and Mickey show?  a) spinach b) peas c) carrots 6) What is Maddie's dog's name? a) scamp b) Stan c) Ivanna 7) How many High School Musical films have there been? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 8) What is Troy’s best friend called? a) Chad b) Brad c) Chuck 9) Complete the title of this song: ‘We’re All In This…’ a) Now b) At last c) Together 10) who's Cody's crush ? a) Maddie b) London c) Jessica

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