1) _____________________ on Broadway street. The hospital is on your right. a) Turn right b) Turn left c) Go straight d) Turn straight 2) Go ahead for two blocks. Then, ______________ at Third avenue. a) Turn left b) Turn right c) Go left d) Go right 3) Excuse me. _____________ is Wallmart Supermarket, please? a) When b) Where c) What d) How 4) Go past the Pizza Place. Then, ________________ at Madison Avenue. a) Go right b) Turn left c) Turn right d) Go left 5) Go straight ahead on Maple Street. The house is ______________. a) at your right b) on the corner c) at the roundabout d) at your left 6) Excuse me. ___________ the way to the Tate Modern? a) Can I b) Where do c) When can d) Can you tell me 7) The shop is ______ the cafe. a) right b) in front c) opposite d) left 8) The ball is _______ the box a) in front of b) in front c) opposite d) on the corner 9) The basketball is ________ the sneakers a) in front of b) between c) right d) near 10) The cafe is _______ of Main street and Fith Avenue   a) between b) in c) across from d) on the corner  11) Their houses are ... each other. a) opposite b) next to c) between

EF Elementary. PE 4. Giving directions


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