upcycling - the reuse of objects or materials to create a product of higher value or quality than the original, discount - n. an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something, pollution - n. the process of making air, water, or soil dangerously dirty, price - n. the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy something, pay - v. to give money to someone when you buy something or when someone has done work for you, condition - n. the state of something, relationship - n. the way two people or groups feel and behave toward each other, signature - n. a way of writing your name, for example, at the end of a letter, total - n. the number that you get when you add all the amounts or points together, bucket - n. a deep round container with a handle over the top, strap - n. a band of cloth or leather, throw - v. to make something go through the air, by moving your arm, instrument - n. something that you play in order to make music, explain - v. to tell someone about something so that he or she can understand it, decorate - v. to make something look nice by adding pretty things to it, kit - n. a set of tools or equipment that you use to do something, invent - v. to create something completely new, for example, a new machine or game,
동아출판(윤) 중2 3과 단어 (풍선)
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