erforschen, erkunden - Let's explore the city centre in the afternoon., Tatsache, Wahrheit - It's a fact that Ben Nevis is the hightes mountain in Britain., Erfindung, Fiktion - There is no monster in Loch Ness - that's a fiction., Hauptstadt - What is the captital of Scotland?, Burg, Schloss - We saw many castles when we were in Britain., feiern - My sister had a great party to celebrate her birthday. , Land, Landschaft - Womorrow we'll go on a trip to the countryside., Gärtner, Gärtnerin - He is a gardener because he loves trees and flowers., Insel - There are many islands in Scotland. , Muster - She likes dresses with colourful patterns., beliebt - In Scotland, too, football is the most popular sport. , Wurst, Würstchen - I don't think that eating sausages is very healthy., Schaf - My brother loves sheep with black heads., Statue - I saw a statue of a Scottish king in the park. , traditionell - We had some tratitional British food - it was very good. , Reiseführer - I read in the travel guide that this is a very popular restaurant. , tragen, anhaben - He wears jeans all the time.,
Sentence in English, facts and fiction - translate word
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