1) Which one is the smallest? a) The bee is the smallest. b) The spider is the smallest. c) The butterfly is the smallest. 2) Which one is the biggest? a) The monkey is the biggest. b) The hippopotamus is the biggest. c) The elephant is the biggest. 3) Which one is the smallest? a) The cow is the smallest. b) The dog is the smallest. c) The chicken is the smallest. 4) Which one is the bigger? a) The butterfly is bigger than bee and spider. b) The bee is bigger than butterfly and spider. c) The spider is bigger than bee and butterfly. 5) Which one is the smaller? a) The elephant is smaller than hippopotamus and monkey. b) The elephant is smaller than monkey and hippopotamus. c) The monkey is smaller than the hippopotamus and elephant. 6) Which one is the bigger? a) The dog is bigger than cow and chicken. b) The cow is bigger than dog and chicken. c) The chicken is bigger than dog and cow.

Everybody Up 4 Unit 2


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