1) I go to this place to buy an apple . a) greengrocer´s b) clothes shop c) gym d) swimming pool e) bookshop 2) I go to this place to read a book. a) newsagent's b) library c) bookshop d) chemist e) butcher's 3) I put petrol in my car there. a) petrol station b) church c) greengrocer's d) police station e) train station 4) In this place I practise sport. a) gym b) train station c) greengorcer's d) shopping centre e) bank 5) I go to this place to drink or eat. a) butcher's b) cafe c) church d) hospital e) bus stop 6) If I'm ill, I go there. a) church b) newsagent's c) hospital d) swimming pool e) bakery 7) I go to this place to pray to God. a) swimming pool b) church c) clothes shop d) church e) butcher's 8) This is a place where I buy bread. a) museum b) library c) clothes shop d) shopping centre e) bakery 9) You can buy a T-shirt in this place. a) clothes shop b) newsagent's c) church d) shopping centre e) bakery 10) I go there to buy a magazine. a) butcher's b) church c) baker's d) newsagent's e) greengrocer's 11) I buy meat, sausage, etc. in this shop a) shoe shop b) baker's c) greengrocer's d) butcher's 12) I buy my trainers there. a) clothes shop b) church c) shoe shop d) pet shop




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