Would you rather dedicate your life to traveling or dedicate your life to a career of a Hollywood star?, Would you rather have a six figure salary at the job you hate or have a minimum wage job that you love?, Would you rather choose an arrogant person or choose a manipulative person as your spouse?, Would you rather wear fuchsia overalls or wear navy blue overalls?, Would you rather be friends with a person who talks down to people or be friends with a person who always boasts?, Would you rather have a common-law partnership forever or get married in 7 days after you met the person?, Would you rather be opinionated or be grumpy?, Would you rather get rid of your phone or get rid of your laptop/computer ?, Would you rather get used to drinking only coffee or get used to drinking only tea?, Would you rather end up married, having 5 kids and living in a 1 room flat or end up single, having a 3 room flat?, Would you rather have trouble learning English or have trouble losing weight?.

B2 would you rather (revision)


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