1) When you were a child, what was your favourite holiday or festival? Why? What did you enjoy? 2) When is New Year celebrated in your country of origin? How is the New Year celebrated? 3) In your country of origin is there are special day to honour mothers? Fathers? Children? Ancestors? 4) Do any holidays in your native country celebrate the end of a war or war veterans? Which war? How do you mark the occasion? 5) Are there any holidays in your country of origin which mark the birthday of a famous leader? Who are the leaders> What did they do? 6) Do you celebrate any days of personal significance for an individual - like birthdays? 7) Which holidays have special food to accompany the celebration? What are the foods? 8) What are the official public holidays in New Zealand? Why are they holidays? 9) What are some special days in New Zealand that are not public holidays but that are used by shops to market gifts, cards etc? 10) Which holidays in your country or New Zealand include special songs, dances or costumes? 11) Can you think of some movies centered around holidays? Do you have a favourite one? 12) Do you feel homesick during holidays? What do you specially miss? 13) What are some holidays or special times in New Zealand that are specially connected to Māori? 14) Why do you think so many people in New Zealand find holiday time - especially Christmas - stressful? 15) What are your best tips to make holidays a pleasurable experience for all? 16) Are there any holidays in your country that are specially linked to a season - for example spring and beginnings, autumn and harvest, or the winter or summer solstices? 17) Are there any holidays in your country of origin that are associated with gifts? What kind of gifts are exchanged? 18) Are there any any holidays in your country of origin that commemorate a political or national event? What is the event

Celebrations and special days in my country of origin - Conversation questions


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