1) At a sports centre you can ...... a) send a letter b) play football c) watch a film d) have a picnic 2) At a cinema you can .... a) watch a film b) post a letter c) get money d) see paintings 3) At a shopping centre you can ...  a) have a picnic b) play basketball c) learn to write and read d) buy clothes and shoes 4) At a school you can  .... a) learn to write and read b) have a picnic c) go for a walk d) post a letter 5) At a museum you can .... a) go swimming b) see art and things of the past c) buy clothes d) watch a film 6) At a park you can .... a) have a picnic b) watch a film c) learn to read d) buy shoes 7) At a post office you can .... a) play tennis b) post a letter c) buy food d) watch a film 8) At a supermarket you can ...  a) watch a film b) see paintings  c) have lunch d) buy food 9) At a bank you can .... a) get money b) post a letter c) buy food d) play board-games 10) At a church you can attend ..... a) a football match b) a film c) a religious service d) physucal education

D Class - Buildings


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