1) ..... are books. a) This b) These c) Thag 2) this is .... animal. a) a b) the c) an 3) we have a lot of exams .... weeks a) those b) these c) this 4) is .... from America? a) her b) she c) you 5) you is so beautiful ! a) true b) false 6) I .... 12 years old. a) are b) is c) am 7) may is the 5th month. a) true b) false 8) don’t buy .... bag. It’s so small. a) this b) that c) these 9) my mom .... older than me. a) she b) is c) are 10) What are those? ....are animals.  a) they b) that c) those 11) very necessary for our lives  a) mall b) water and food c) makeup 12) we was there a) true b) false

English revision for Ali and hadi



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