Excitability - The ability to receive and respond to a stimulus, Contractility - The ability to shorten or contract., Extensibility - The ability of a muscle to be stretched or extended, Elasticity - The capacity to recoil or return to the original shape and length after contraction or extension, Movement - Produces nearly all movement in the body and also facial expressions, eye movements, respiration, Posture - The skeletal muscle are continually making fine adjustments that hold body in stationary positions such as sitting and standing, Joint stability - This is particularly evident in the knee and shoulder joints, where muscle tendons are a major factor in stabilizing the joint., Heat production - An important by-product of muscle metabolism. The purpose is to maintain body temperature., Skeletal muscle - A voluntarily muscle with striated appearance., Cardiac muscle - An involuntarily muscle with striated appearance, found only in the wall of the heart., Smooth muscle - Cannot be stimulated to contract by conscious hence an involuntarily muscle and lacks the striation evident in skeletal muscle.,

C03. Muscular Sys (1) - Intro


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