1) Crocodiles often open up their mouths to let plover birds pick parasitic leeches off their gums. This benefits the crocodile because leeches weaken the crocodile by feeding on its blood. The plover bird benefits by using the leeches as a food source a) Mutualism b) Commensalism c) Parasitism 2) A blue jay builds its nest on the high branch of an oak tree and is protected from predators. The tree is not harmed a) Mutualism b) Commensalism c) Parasitism 3) A bee feeds on the nectar in the flower of a honeysuckle plant and gets pollen on the hairs of its legs. When the bee flies to another honeysuckle plant the pollen is transferred to another flower, resulting in pollination for the plant a) Mutualism b) Commensalism c) Parasitism 4) Athlete's foot is caused by a fungus growing on the skin of a person's feet. The fungus causes irritation as it uses the persons skin as food a) Mutualism b) Commensalism c) Parasitism 5) A cowbird pushes the eggs of a songbird out of its nest and lays its own eggs in the nest. The songbird sits on the eggs until they hatch and takes care of the baby cowbirds as its own. The songbird uses a great deal of energy to feed and care for baby birds that are not its own offspring. a) Mutualism b) Commensalism c) Parasitism 6) An orchid plant grows on the branch of a tree and does not harm it. The orchid is able to get more sunlight for growth in this location a) Mutualism b) Commensalism c) Parasitism 7) A tapeworm lives in the intestine of a horse and robs it of nutrition a) Mutualism b) Commensalism c) Parasitism

Biotic Relationships


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