1) what are the reactants of photosynthesis? a) oxygen and chlorophyll b) carbon dioxide and oxygen c) glucose and oxygen d) carbon dioxide and water 2) How does water get into a plant? a) through the leaves b) through the roots c) through the stem 3) what are the products of photosynthesis a) oxygen and chlrophyll b) carbon dioxide and oxygen c) glucose and oxygen d) carbon dioxide and water 4) what type of reaction is photosythesis? a) endothermic b) exothermic c) combustion d) respiration 5) what is an endothermic reaction? a) a reaction that takes in energy b) a reaction that releases energy 6) what is the role of the chloroplasts in plant cells? a) to make proteins b) to trap sunlight for photosynthesis c) to release energy in respiration d) to store cell sap 7) how does carbon dioxide get into a plant? a) through the roots b) through the stem c) through holes in the leaf called stomata 8) how is glucose stored in the plant? a) as sucrose b) as starch c) as fructose d) as iodine 9) What is the correct balanced symbol equation for photosynthesis? a) CO2 + 6H20 = C6H12O6 +6O2 b) 2CO2 + 4H20 = C6H12O6 +3O2 c) 6CO2 + 6H20 = 6C6H12O6 +6O2 d) 6CO2 + 6H20 = C6H12O6 +6O2 10) Why are leaves thin? a) to transport water and sugars around the plant b) to provide a large surface area to trap sunlight c) short diffusion distance for gases 11) Why are leaves broad? a) to transport water and sugars around the plant b) to provide a large surface area to trap sunlight c) short diffusion distance for gases 12) Why do leaves have veins? a) to transport water and sugars around the plant b) to provide a large surface area to trap sunlight c) short diffusion distance for gases 13) This leaf was tested for starch with iodine. What is the correct colour change that would have occurred? a) the white part turned black, the green part turned brown b) the white part turned brown the green part turned black c) all of the leaf turned black d) all of the leaf turned brown 14) Explain why the leaf changed colour this way a) the green part has chloroplasts, photosynthesised, made glucose and stored it as starch b) the white part had photosynthesised, made glucose and stored it as starch c) the leaf changed colour because it was autumn

photosynthesis quiz



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