feud - There was a ________ between friends outside., cruise - Ed and Barb are going on a long ___________._, jewelry - The ring was safe in the ____________ box. , stream - It is fun to fish in that clear ___________. , sweater - You will need a ________ in the ice rink. , Tear - ____________ the paper along its edge. , Friday - I need to study for a quiz on ___________, discount - It's hard to find ____________ tickets. , mower - Dad must fix the broken lawn __________. , poodle - The ___________ barks at the birds in the yard. , needle - Find a _________ so we repair the ripped shirt. , soil - His shoe got stuck in the wet __________. , ahoy - The sailors said "_______" as they reached land. , hawk - Fiona pointed to the ________ in the sky. , autograph - The famous painter gave his ___________ to fans. , tiptoe - The kids had to __________ into the kitchen for a snack., float - Let's __________ on the raft in the river. , fondue - Did you ever try beef ________?, daises - We put ___________ in vase. , kidney - The _____________ operation is quite risky. ,

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