1) I have studied English .....................two years. a) since b) for 2) We've played golf ...................... three hours. a) for b) since 3) They have been close friends .................... a long time. a) since b) for 4) She hasn't eaten ......................... we arrived there. a) since b) for 5) We have known her ................. she was born. a) for b) since 6) Our teacher has been ill .................... last month a) since b) for 7) Anna has worked here .......................... ten months. a) for b) since 8) They have chatted ...................... 10 0'clock. a) since b) for 9) Nick has lived in İstanbul ...................... 1994. a) since b) for 10) Bruce and his friends have stayed at my home ................ Tuesday. a) for b) since

for - since



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