practitioner - a person practicing a job. Ex: A medical practitioner, abandon - to leave behind with no plan to return. The frightened thieves abandoned the stolen car., receptionist - a person who's job is to greet people, answer phone calls and questions, relationship - connection between two people. Ex. I have a good relationship with my mom and dad., motionless - not moving, partial - not complete, substantial - actual, real. Ex: There is no substantial evidence to prove that the suspect was there., confidential - secret, crucial - very important. Ex: It's crucial that you follow the directions during a fire drill., certain - sure - Ex. I'm certain it's going to rain tomorrow., although - Ex. Although I'm bad at basketball, I still love to play., numeral - A number, rubbery - Like rubber in consistency. Ex. The steak tasted rubbery when I tried to chew it., bitterly - Having a sharp or bad taste; full of anger and sadness. Ex. Kate cried bitterly after her and her friend had a fight., rodeo - A show or contest of cowboy skills, accommodate - To have room for; to do a favor for. Ex. The hotel can accommodate 100 people., colonial - related to the thirteen British colonies that became the United States. Ex. We learned about American colonial history in Social Studies class., memorial - a ceremony, custom, building, or statue to honor a dead person or past event.  Ex. America celebrates Memorial Day to honor anyone who has fought in a war., territorial - Being defensive over your land or territory. Ex. The cat was very territorial when the family brought home a new dog., illusion - a state of seeing, hearing, or otherwise sensing things in a false way. Ex: The magician created the illusion that he was sawing the woman in half., corrosion - the act or condition of being worn or eaten away slowly. Ex: Many years of bad weather caused the corrosion of the paint on the car..

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