1) Emma nebyla ve škole, když byla nemocná. a) Emma weren´t at school when she was ill. b) Emma didn´t be at school when she was ill. c) Emma wasn´t at school when she was ill. 2) Včera jsem neposlouchal po škole hudbu. a) I not listened to music yesterday after school. b) I didn´t listen to music after school yesterday. c) I didn´t listened to music after school yesterday. 3) Proč jel tvůj bratr do Londýna? a) Why did your brother go to London? b) Why did your brother went to London? c) Why your brother went to London? 4) Mluvil tvůj dědeček pěti nebo šesti jazyky? a) Did your grandpa speak five or six languages? b) Your grandpa spoke five or six languages? c) Did your grandpa spoke five or six languages? 5) Nechal jsem na stole svůj mobil. a) I leaved my mobile on the table. b) I left my mobile on the table. c) I put my mobile on the table. 6) Petr nečetl knihu o delfínech, četl knihu o tygrech. a) Peter didn´t read the book about dolphins, he read a book about tigres. b) Peter not read the book about dolphins, he reads a book about tigres. c) Peter not readed the book about dolphins, he readed a book   7) Minulý rok jeli rodiče do Řecka. a) My parents goed to Greece last year. b) Last year, my parents went to Greece. c) My parents went last year to Greece.

Choose the correct sentence.


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