I don't worry about Emma because I know she can respond to being attacked or insulted by behaving in the same way. by  - give as good as you get, Our company's profits were falling, so a new director was appointed to stop the situation getting worse. - to stop the rot, If you're looking for a fabulous vacation that doesn't cost too much money, I'd highly recommend camping in Colorado. - doesn't break the bank, John lives in very comfortable conditions with a lot of money because his family is very wealthy. - lives in the lap of luxury, I don't actually enjoy cleaning, but I force myself to deal with this unpleasant situation and do it so that everything in my house isn't covered in thick layer of dust. - bite the bullet, There was a real close understanding between the two leaders. - meeting of minds, Come on, it's not all completely bad and hopeless, if we make a real effort we could still win. - doom and gloom, I've almost remembered his name. I'll think of it in a second. - have his name on the tip of my tongue, They were great friends when they were younger, but for some reason there is a situation when they don't like each other now. - little love lost between them, I probably did it before it was appropriate with announcing our engagement before everyone was there, but I was just too excited.  - jumped the gun, They start smoking not because of advertising but because of a strong feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age and their friends behaviour. - peer pressure, The editor says that he will do it if he thinks it's necessary to select and edit questions. - reserves the right to, Have the confidence to do or say what you think is right - don't go out to work even when other people disagree. - have the courage of your convictions, They had to rush to get everything in good condition before the official opening. - ship-shape,

Outcomes A, Unit 11, Alliteration Phrases



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