1) Oliver Twist was born in..... a) A workhouse b) A Hospital c) His mother's house 2) What happened to Oliver's mother? a) She ran away b) She was sent to prison c) She died very soon after Oliver was born. 3) What is Oliver nominated to do after drawing lots? a) Start a riot in the dining hall. b) Ask for more food. c) Tell the master his gruel is rubbish. 4) How old is Oliver when he is living in the workhouse for boys? a) 8 b) 9 c) 10 5) Who is Oliver sold to when he is kicked out of the workhouse? a) Mr. Bumble b) The Sowerberry's c) Noah Claypole 6) Oliver worked as what at the Sowerberry's? a) A cleaner b) A chimney sweep c) An undertaker 7) Why does Oliver attack Noah Claypole a) Noah insulted his clothing b) Noah hit him first c) Noah insulted his mother 8) Who does Oliver meet on his way to London? a) The Artful Dodger b) Fagin c) Mr. Bumble 9) What does Fagin's gang do? a) Pickpockets b) Start fires c) Con people 10) Charles Dickens lived in what period? a) The Edwardian period b) The Elizabethan period c) The Victorian period 11) What happened to Dickens' father? a) He was given an award. b) He was sent to debtor's jail c) He was elected to parliament 12) Where did Dickens have to work when he was 12? a) A workhouse b) A shoe polish (blacking) factory c) An undertakers 13) Dickens is a social critic, what does that mean? a) He identifies the issues in society b) He celebrates how brilliant society is c) He criticises people in public 14) Dickens used his books to what? a) Entertain people b) Bore people c) Make people aware of how the poor are suffering 15) What class of people were at the bottom of society a) The rich b) The working class c) The poor


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