Advantages of on-line database: Users are all able to access the same database., Avoid data duplication, Data will always be up-to-date, Advantages of FTP: You are not limited to file size unlike with email attachments. , Allows reliable transfer of files between platforms. , Greater security in transfer of information. , Can have greater control of remote computer (if well developed). , Advantages of broadband: Faster download, Does not tie up with your phone line, No time waste to connect to the Internet, Can listen to radio, watch video, watch TV, play on-line, Disadvantages of broadband: Expensive, may not be available in some places, Advantages of Mobile access to the Internet: Access e-mail and surf the Internet from whenever you are., Can work anywhere, Can work more productively. Do things while you remember, Disadvantages of Mobile access to the Internet: Feel that you are never away from work., Increased security problems; Hackers, theft, There are many places where there is no access., Can be very expensive, Advantages of distributed computing: Reduces cost because an expensive powerful computer such as a supercomputer is not needed , Can pass work to computers anywhere in the world using the Internet , Improved performance as each computer can work on part of the data, To get more processing power you just need to add more PCs , Disadvantage of distributed computing: There are issues with the security of data because they are spread out on so many different computers , There is a heavy reliance on networks or communications which may not always be reliable , Increased costs due to the use of expensive communication lines ,

Internet topics (Advantages and disadvantages) revision


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