meva'es מבאס - sucks, bummer , le'harim להרים - literally 'to pick up', to upgrade the vibes and have fun, hatzaga הצגה - literally a show or theater play, 'this is\ was really good, looks like you prcticed it' , haval al hazman חבל על הזמן - Literally shame on the time. means waste of time in a positive way-'this is worth your time' , Esh al ha'golesh אש על הגולש - literally- fire on the surfer, means it's good, awesome. it rhymes , shnatz שנ"צ - a shortcut for a noon nap. can be used as a verb- lishnotz , kal קל - easy to do, easy it is, easy we are, easy to make. when you're in doubt just say easy- kalllll. , leharim tziltzool להרים צלצול - literally to pick up a ring. means to ring, call someone on the phone , le'ehol et ha'rosh לאכול את הראש - literally to eat the head. for when someone is talking so much, ba li be'tov בא לי בטוב - literally come to me in good. means something is coming or happening just in time and I like it. , ha'zaya הזיה - literally hallucination, trippy- you can say about almost everyting including people., peepee פיפי - literally pee. kind of like LOL, badook בדוק - for sure! bet! true story!, beelty בלתי - a short for beelty nisbal- unbearable, using just the "un" (a millenial thing) , hai be'seret חי בסרט - literally lives in a movie, a person who is unrealistic, thinks life is like a movie. , haim ba'lev חיים בלב - literally life in the heart, reffering a person- a loving nickname, love her so much she is the life in my heart.,

hebrew slang



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