1) What is my dad doing? a) He is playing the piano. b) He is playing with a yo-yo. c) He is cooking sausages. d) He is fixing my bike. 2) What can my dad do? a) He can cook very well. b) He can do a lot of tricks. c) He can play beautiful music. d) He can fix anything. 3) What is my brother doing? a) He is playing the piano. b) He is playing with a yo-yo. c) He is cooking sausages. d) He is fixing my bike. 4) What can my brother do? a) He can cook very well. b) He can do a lot of tricks. c) He can play beautiful music. d) He can fix anything. 5) What is my grandpa doing? a) He is playing the piano. b) He is playing with a yo-yo. c) He is cooking sausages. d) He is fixing my bike. 6) What can my grandpa do? a) He can cook very well.. b) He can do a lot of tricks. c) He can play beautiful music. d) He can fix anything. 7) What is my uncle doing? a) He is playing the piano. b) He is playing with a yo-yo. c) He is cooking sausages. d) He is fixing my bike. 8) What can my uncle do? a) He can cook very well. b) He can do a lot of tricks. c) He play beautiful music. d) He can fix anything. 9) What is my mom doing? a) She is dancing. b) She is drawing a picture. c) She is taking photos. d) She is singing. 10) What can my mom do? a) She can dance gracefully. b) She can take beautiful photos. c) She can shout loudly. d) She can sing wonderfully. 11) What is my sister doing? a) She is dancing. b) She is drawing a picture. c) She is taking photos. d) She is singing. 12) What can my sister do? a) She can take beautiful photos. b) She can sing wonderfully. c) She can dance gracefully. d) She can shout loudly. 13) What is my grandma doing? a) She is dancing. b) She is drawing a picture. c) She is taking photos. d) She is singing. 14) What can my grandma do? a) She can sing wonderfully. b) She can take beautiful photos. c) She can dance gracefully. d) She can draw all of us. 15) What is my cousin doing? a) She is dancing. b) She is drawing a picture. c) She is taking photos. d) She is singing. 16) What can my cousin do? a) She can dance gracefully. b) She can sing wonderfully. c) She can draw all of us. d) She can shout loudly. 17) What is my aunt doing? a) She is dancing. b) She is drawing a picture. c) She is calling us. d) She is singing. 18) What can my aunt do? a) She can draw all of us. b) She can sing wonderfully. c) She can take beautiful photos. d) She can shout loudly. 19) What are my cousins doing? a) They are playing with a yo-yo. b) They are jumping up and down. c) They are drawing. d) They are singing. 20) What can my cousins do? a) They can jump very high. b) They can fix anything. c) They can draw all of us. d) They can sing wonderfully.

IA1 - Lesson 3 Review Quiz



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