HAVE YOU GOT MY EMAIL? - receive an email, I NEED TO GET SOMETHING TO EAT. - grab food, JUST GET THE BUS. - take public transport, HOW TO GET TO THE MUSEUM? - arrive to, IT'S GETTING DARK. - no more light, SHE SEEMS TO HAVE GOT FORGETFUL RECENTLY. - become forgetful, THE TRAFFIC GETS WORSE AT THIS TIME OF THE DAY. - become bad, GET SOMEONE TO FIX IT! - call a pro, CAN YOU GET YOUR SON TO FINISH HIS HOMEWORK? - make sb do sth, I GOT MY HAIR CUT LAST WEEK. - sb cut my hair, I HAVE TO GET MY PASSPORT RENEWED. - make a passport usable again, DID YOU KNOW HE GOT GROUNDED? - be made to stay at home by parents, I GOT CAUGHT SPEEDING, DAMN! - the police stopped me, CAN YOU GET ME A CUP OF COFFEE? - make me coffee, DON'T GET MAD, IT WAS JUST A PARTY. - stay calm, GET DRESSED, WE'RE LEAVING! - put on the clothes,


a(z) Fordítsa meg a mozaikokat egy nyílt végű sablon. Nem hoz létre pontszámokat egy ranglistán.

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