secede - to withdrawal formally, sectionalism - loyalty to ones region, slavery  - state of being a slave, states' rights - rights and powers held by the state not the federal government, tariffs - taxes on imported goods, abolish  - to completely do away with, such as slavery, blockade - act of sealing off place so that people and good cannot leave or enter, Marshall Law - temporary military control over normal civil functions, Military Law - Legal structures that govern the military , 13th amendment - abolish slavery, 14th amendment - granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in America, 15th amendment - right to vote cannot be denied by race, color, or previous servitude, Confederate States of America - nation existing from 1861-1865 consisting of 11 southern states that broke away from America over the issue of slavery, also known as the south, Radical Republicans  - republicans dedicated to the emancipation and equal treatment of slaves in the civil war time, Reconstruction - process of being rebuilt after something is destroyed, the time period after the civil war, Union - during the civil war these were the states that were loyal to the U.S. Federal Government, also known as the North,


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