1) Is he a rabbit? a) Yes, he is. b) No, he isn't. 2) Are they doctors? a) Yes, she is. b) Yes, they are. c) No, they aren't. 3) .......... a nurse? No, she isn't. She's a queen. a) Is he b) Is she c) Are they 4) Is he spiderman? a) Yes, she is. b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, he is. 5) .......... they policemen? a) Is b) Are c) Am 6) ....... Jimmy a lion? Yes, he is. a) Is b) Are c) Am 7) I've got a big, red ........ a) eye b) ear c) nose 8) Look! He's a ........ a) teddy b) sheep c) chick d) fish 9) What are you? a) I am a pinapple. b) I am a paineapple. c) I am a pineapple. 10) What is she? a) He's a sandwich! b) It's a sandwich! c) She's a sandwich! 11) ....... mum and my brother sheep?  a) Is b) Am c) Are 12) Look! .......... a house! a) She is b) He is c) They are

The carnival game! (Aj) 🐱‍👤🐱‍🚀👸👳‍♂️🦹‍♀️🧚‍♂️🎈🎉🎭


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