1) ... you leave now, you'll be late for work. a) if b) unless 2) ... I'm not busy in the afternoon, i'll call you. a) unless b) if 3) ... you book your tickets in advance, you won't get to see the concert. a) unless b) if 4) ... I wake up early on Saturday, I'll go shopping. a) if b) unless 5) ... you water the flowers regularly, they won't grow. a) if b) unless 6) ... doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. a) if b) unless 7) ... he studies hard, he won't pass the exams. a) if b) unless 8) ... you mix red and whire, you get pink. a) if b) unless 9) ... Max sees a dog in the street, he frezees because he's terribly afraid of them. a) when b) unless 10) ... I miss the bus, I'm late for school. a) unless b) when 11) You can take any table ... it is reserved. a) if b) unless 12) They won't come to the party ... you invite them. a) if b) unless


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