Mis-En-Scene - Everything you can see in the shot, Low Camera Angle - Characters look bigger, connotes that they have power , High Camera Angle - Gives audience a sense of characters inferiority or vulnerability, Close up shot - Used to show characters emotional reaction, Medium shot - Audience can see distance between characters and action of the shot, Long shot - Used to show and highlight the location, often used to emphasize scenery and distance, Establishing shot - To establish the location of unfolding events, Diegetic sound - Sound in the world of the characters, used to build realism, for dialogue and for noise of environment, Non-Diegetic sound  - Sound outside the world of the characters, soundtrack and score. Used to create mood, Juxtaposition - The placing of two elements side by side to compare and contrast; cutting between two different shots, characters, setting ect, Foreshadowing - Dialogue, shots or images that give an advance hint for the audience of what's to come later in the film , Extreme close up - Audience can only focus on one characters emotion and see their microexpressions,

Film Technique Match Up



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