1) In my trip to Jerusalem my favorite place _______ the Wailing Wall. a) was b) were c) is d) went e) go f) gone 2) I ________ visiting Israel. It's a very beautiful country! a) loving b) loves c) loved d) loveed e) lovied f) loveied 3) We all __________ very excited to be visiting the city where Jesus was born. a) went b) were c) is d) gone e) going f) was 4) Back in Jerusalem, we _________ several historical spots around the city. a) visit b) visited c) visiting d) visitting e) visitted f) visitied 5) In our trip to Jerusalem, we ___________ the sunset at the Mount of Olives. a) watching b) watched c) watches d) watchd e) watchied f) watch 6) We _____________ a tour guide where we could find a restaurant. a) asking b) askd c) asks d) asked e) askied f) askked 7) During our walk in Jerusalem, we ______________ several times to ask for information. a) stoping b) stoped c) stop d) stopied e) stopped f) stops 8) It _____________ us a long time to get to the Wailing Wall. a) take b) tok c) took d) taking e) takes f) tooking 9) The tour guide ____________: "Stay close at all times!" a) sayd b) saied c) sayied d) said e) says f) saying 10) Wait! I _________ to pack my knit gloves! a) forgut b) forget c) forgeted d) forgetted e) forgetd f) forgot

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