1) When mum came home I............................ (sleep). 2) My dad ________________(not work) in a bank. 3) Look! The monkey __________________(climb) a tree. 4) Hush! Don't speak so loudly. Dad _______________(sleep). 5) Frank is ______________(funny) boy in our class. 6) - What were you doing when I called you? - I ____________(take) a shower. 7) I can't walk. I _____________(break) my leg. 8) Sam usually ________ (get) up at half past three. 9) Peter sometimes _________________ (drive) too fast. 10) Yesterday while I ___________________(walk)_along the street, I saw a little kitten. 11) Peter is not old _________to watch this scary film. 12) We ________________(buy) this car last year. 13) While Fred ________(read) , his wife ______________________(cook) dinner. 14) Fred ____________(work) for three hours when his boss ______________(come ). 15) -Where is Mike? -I don't know. He _________(leave) ten minutes ago. 16) Mice are _______(small) than cats. 17) The red T-shirt is _______________(expensive) than green. 18) For me Math is ________________(difficult) subject of all. 19) Sally is ___________(good) at English than me. 20) Excuse me! I _________(not understand) the rule. Can you explain? 21) My sister (not go) to school on Sunday. It's her day off. 22) What ___________Frank ( wear) today?

Tenses+ comparatives



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