1) Sorry I haven't called. I've just really ________ issues at work the last few days. a) given in b) come up against c) taken to 2) Although it's hard, I'm determined to ________ to the end. a) see the class through b) come through the class c) end up the class 3) My father has ______ carpentry now that he's retired. a) lived up to b) opened up to c) taken to 4) After a long match, our team finally __________ their rivals. a) beat off b) held back c) got over 5) They'll try to change your mind, but don't _________. a) knock them down b) give in c) end it up 6) Don't let your fears ________ in life. a) get over b) beat you off c) hold you back 7) We'll find it hard to ________ losing our beloved dog. a) live up to b) get over c) see through 8) We lost our way and ________ in another town. a) came up against b) beat off c) ended up 9) They ______ a brilliant solution to a never ending problem. a) gave in b) came up against c) came up with 10) Teens rarely ________ their parents' ideals. a) live up to b) come up against c) beat off

CAE Phrasal Verbs 1



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