(un)accustomed   - to, advise sb (przeciwko czemuś)   - against, agree (na coś)   - on, aim   - at, annoy   - at/about, apologize (za coś)   - for, apologize (kogoś)   - to, blame sb (o coś)   - for, to be blamed (na kogoś)   - on, insist   - on, nervous   - of/about, object   - to, can't see the point   - of, resort   - to, research - into, sorry   - about/for, suspect sb   - of, quarrel (z kimś)   - with, quarrel (o coś) - about/over, escape - from, interest - in, discourage - from, shocked - by, suspicious - about/of,

nouns, adjectives, verbs + prepositions


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