1) It ... (rain) outside when Sam got out of bed. 2) He picked up his phone and ... (send) a text to his friend James: 'No football today. How about going to the cinema?' 3) While he ... (wait) for a reply, Sam ... (brush) his teeth, ... (have) a shower. 4) After he finished getting ready ... (see) that James had replied. 5) James said he ... (want) to play football anyway and he ... (not care) about the rain. 6) Sam ... (decide) he wanted to play too, and ... (go) to the park. 7) While he ... (walk) to the park, James ... (meet) two of his other friends and ... (invite) them along. 8) When they all ... (arrive), they ... (see) some other kids to play with. 9) While they ... (play) football, it stopped raining and Sam ... (be) really happy. 10) After the game, Sam ... (go) home. On the way, he ... (stop) at a shop to buy something for his lunch. 11) He was about to pay when he ... (realize) he ... (forget) to take his wallet when he ... (leave) the house. 12) His mom ... (see) him and ... (stop) the car to give him a ride home. 13) When they ... (arrive), Sam ... (cook) lunch for the whole family.

Complete the sentences to make a story - Narrative Tenses


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