1) What is meant by 'Prevent' a) to  stop people from becoming drawn into or supporting others with extreme views. b) is to help people develop extreme views c) helps you make new friends d) protects people from being targeted just because they are vulnerble e) protects people and keeps them safe from extremist views 2) People who target individuals inorder to control their viewpoints and beliefs are called a) friends b) family c) radicalisers 3) Radicalisers will target individuals who in their lives have experienced a) trauma b) a personal crisis c) a significant loss d) significant life event e) a loss of personal identity f) lots of happy things 4) Why may individuals follow certain groups? a) to find answers in their lives b) to earn credit with their peers c) to earn credit with a person they think is in authority d) they like the clothes they are wearing e) to regain their personal identify and a meaning in their lives. f) to feel a purpose in their existence and gain a sense of belonging 5) Radicalisation is a) when a person's belief and perception is controlled by an organisation b) when people in power and in influence can induce guilt, shame, sense of duty on a vulnerable individual. c) when an individual allows people or organisations to manipulate and control their actions. d) when a vulnerable person 'perceives' that they are being supported but really they are becoming victims. e) when people are correct f) when you go on trips out 6) Signs of Radicalisation are a) dissassociation from a secure friendship group b) joining new friendship groups and online groups c) trying to spread new beliefs and opinions d) when you go out to parties e) when you have a hobby 7) Extremism is a) a behaviour which breaks the law b) individuals act in a harmful way due to being radicalised c) not solely due to a religious belief d) any belief that a person acts upon a belief, ideology, perception that causes fear, and destruction.. e) everyone's duty to prevent  and safeguard against. f) something everyone should join in

PREVENT - Radicalisation & Extremism



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