1) 'As soon as I finish my project, I ________to the clean-up.' 'Great, see you then.' a) will come b) come c) will be coming d) will have come 2) 'Have you read this book about elephants?' 'No, ______it to me for a week?' a) you will lend b) will you lend c) are you going to lend d) shall you lend 3) By the time my grandson is grown up, they __________all the trees in the local forest. a) will have cut down b) will cut down c) are going to cut down d) will be cutting down 4) '___________ you to the conservation meeting tonight?' 'That's kind of you. Yes, please.' a) Will be taking b) Am I going to take c) Shall I take d) I shall take 5) Look at the smoke at the top of the mountain! The volcano_____________. a) will erupt b) erupts c) will be erupting d) is going to erupt 6) 'I'm cold.' 'Oh! Wait and I ____________ you a sweater.' a) will get b) am going to get c) get d) will have get 7) At three o'clock this afternoon, we ____________outside the town hall for six hours. a) will have been protesting b) will have protested c) will be protesting d) shall protest 8) Jack's got a new job! This time next month, he _________________ in South Africa. a) will be living b) will have been living c) will live d) shall have lived 9) I'll text you when I ____________ the landfill site. a) will have reached b) will reach c) shall reach d) reach

Grammar- Chapter 5 -Form 5


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