A way of referring to another Twitter user., Retweet (RT) - When you share the tweet of one user with all of your Twitter followers., Reply - When you respond to a tweet from a particular user., Direct Message  (DM) - A private message that you send through a discussion board., Follow - Subscribing to someones Tweets or updates on the site., Follower - Users who are interesting can be "followed" by you subscribing to their tweets., Mention - Tweets in which your username was included., Tweeple or Twerson - People, members and users that are on Twitter., Tweeps - People that follow each other from one social media/network to another., Twitterverse - It's big and it's expanding at a great rate! , Handle - A username someone has selected., Hash Tags or # - Used when many people are tweeting about the same topic or from the same event.,


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